The interactive mapping is working on a system called Geoappbuilder. The following browsers are supported by Geoappbuilder:
– Mozilla Firefox V26
– Chrome V32
– Internet Explorer 10
Note: Due to a bug in Internet Explorer 11, it is not yet supported, this will be fixed in due course.
Clicking on the link below will lead you into a detailed Help Guide for using the interactive mapping.
Help File for Interactive Mapping in pdf format
You may notice that not all townlands have the fields within them outlined. This is because these fields have not yet been surveyed as part of the Meath Field Names Project. A townland that appears blank in the centre was not surveyed at the time of our book printing in June 2013.
Please note that we do hope to fill in field names for some of the blank townlands over time. We continue to gather Field Names in the townlands not already surveyed. This information will be added to our database and made available through this interactive mapping in the future.